
Membership Categories and Subscriptions

Membership is open to anyone having an interest in the craft of beekeeping.

Registered Member – for those individuals who keep bees in their own right and wish to take a full part in all the aspects of the DBKA.

Partner Member – for those individuals who reside at the same address as a Registered Member.

Associate Member – for those individuals who do not keep bees in their own right in the County of Devon, but who wish to participate in DBKA activities, belong to a branch, and receive Beekeeping Magazine, or are already a BBKA member with another area association.

Social Member – for those individuals who do not keep bees in their own right in the County of Devon, who are generally interested in the craft of beekeeping, and wish to participate in DBKA activities primarily at Branch level.

Junior Member – for individuals under the age of 18 years. Junior membership shall cease when the individual attains the age of 18 and shall be automatically and immediately amended to Registered Membership for the remainder of that membership year, without further payment.

2019 Subscriptions

Full Registered Members£39.00
Partner Members£18.00
Associate Members£14.00
Social Members£4.50
Junior Members (under 18)£17.00

Please contact Mike Ticehurst for membership renewal or new member requests.

Some of the benefits of being a member of the Devon Beekeepers Association:

Education & Training

  • The branch holds apiary meetings at which practical beekeeping skills are demonstrated and discussed.
  • Beginners are prepared for the Basic Assessment which they are encouraged to take in their second year.
  • Winter evening classes and discussion groups are held.
  • Those Beekeepers who are interested are guided in their preparations for the various British BKA Examination Board modules ranging from management, biology, behaviour, diseases, breeding to anatomy, history and microscopy.

Branch Libraries

  • We have a good range of books on various aspects of beekeeping that may be borrowed either for general reading or by arrangement for special study.